Peter Edwards, Executive Director
With 35 years of coaching experience, Peter has worked with rowers of all ages and abilities, from beginners to US National Team members. He directs the sweep program, serves on the Board of Directors, and serves as the overall manager for all programs.
Kevin Mulvaney, Sculling Coach
A Station L coach since 2008, Kevin works primarily with our Intermediate sculling squad. His coaching background includes work with masters and collegiate rowers in Sacramento, CA. Kevin has served as the head rowing coach at Reed College.
Jim Hilsenteger, Chief Technical Coach and Video Coordinator
A native Portlander, Jim has been involved in rowing for over 35 years. He has coached at the junior, collegiate, and masters level. He provides technical coaching and video support to all members and coaches.
Deirdre O’Brien, Sculling Coach
Deirdre learned to row at Wellesley College, and rowed competitively there. She joined Station L in 2004 and began coaching LTR and beginners sweep in 2018. She currently coaches with the development sculling squad. Deirdre enjoys teaching and supporting all who want to experience the beauty of rowing. She is also a US Rowing referee.
Laura McArdle, Sculling Coach / Education Manager
Laura started rowing in 2013. Laura has coached for 9 years and been a USRowing referee for 10 years. Laura has focused her coaching on people new to rowing. Helping people learn to basics is always exciting! Laura also acts as our Registrar. Laura is in charge of our LTE and LTR programs.
Preston Reep, Sculling and Sweep Coach
Preston is from Alaska, learned to row at WWU during college, and started his coaching career here in Portland. He is a USRowing level 2 certified coach with 8+ years of experience coaching both masters and juniors. He is excited to row and coach with Station L!
Eddie Edwards, Sculling Coach
Eddie joins the Station L coaching staff after three years as a rower/coach/program coordinator at Southern Oregon University. At Station L Eddie competes with the sweep team and coaches in the Learn to Row program and supports our Development rowers. They also coach at Rose City Rowing Club.
Todd Vogt, Sweep and Sculling Coach
Todd’s coaching background includes work with collegiate, junior and masters rowers at the U. Wisconsin, U. Portland and Lake Oswego Community Rowing. He was a member of the 2019 US National Team, in the PR3 Men’s pair.Todd represented the USA in the ParaOlympics! Todd coaches our High Performance squad.
Kate Kalaris, Sculling Coach
Kate Kalaris began her rowing coaching career in Williamsburg, VA with high school and college novices, and has worked with athletes of all abilities from Learn To Row up to the US Olympic team. After four years as a high school English teacher, Kate is grateful to now work with the adults of Station L. She is excited to spend more time with the developmental sculling group this year.
Kess Moulton, Sculling Coach
Kess has been rowing for five years, and started coaching last year. They rowed at Lewis & Clark College, and now work at Pacific University as the novice coach, as well as Station L as a Learn-to-Row coach. Kess loves sharing their passion for the sport of rowing.
Miel Corbett, Sculling Coach
A long time rower and Station L member, Miel supports our Learn to Row, Learn to Erg and Development programs. She’s been hooked on the sport since learned at Mills College in Oakland, CA
Charlotte Copp, Sweep and Sculling Coach
Charlotte is a Station L member and Learn-to-Row instructor. She rowed at Lewis and Clark College and is the Interim Head Rowing Coach at Lewis and Clark University. She has nearly a decade of rowing & coaching experience and loves teaching people how to row.
Ripley McChesney, Sculling Coach
Ripley is a Station L member and Learn-to-Row instructor. She previously coached juniors for two years at the Humbolt Rowing Association and is an assistant coach at Lewis and Clark College.
Claudia Loeber, Sweep and Sculling Coach
An East Coast native, Claudia began her rowing career in 2005 on the Cooper River in New Jersey, before going on to row for four years at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. She has been coaching at Lewis & Clark College since 2018, with previous coaching experience at Cooper Rowing Club and Row New York.
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