Board of Directors

The Station L Board of Directors includes seven members elected by the membership to three year terms.  The Executive Director also serves on the Board.

The Board generally meets the 2nd Monday of the month.  Everyone is welcome to attend, please confirm with the Secretary ([email protected]) or Chair ([email protected]) to confirm the date and location of the meeting as the venue and time do occasionally change.

Any member wishing to speak or have an item for discussion on the board’s agenda must e-mail the secretary ([email protected]) to be added. Agenda items cannot be added at the meeting, and must be done in advance.

There may occasionally be times where the board must enter a closed session. At these times, non-board members will be asked to leave. The board will attempt to move any of these items to the end of the agenda.

Current Board Members

Chair: Eric Johnston
Treasurer: Jenny Ruthven
Secretary: Jeffrey Krueger
Elizabeth Ankeny (At-large)
Mark Perepelitza (At-large)
Piper Davis (At-large)
Nathan Zietlow (At-large)
Peter Edwards (Executive Director)