Learn to Row: Sculling Class Level 1
Learn to Row classes are designed for the complete beginner or someone who has been away from the sport and wants to restart at the beginning. This class is also good for sweep rowers who want to expand their skills to include sculling. The classes typically run April through September each year and are divided into four week sessions. Classes emphasize safety, rowing technique and individual fitness. Special equipment is not required -– just bring typical workout clothes. Class members learn to row in single person boat.. Our classes are 2 hours long and have a class size of 4-5 students.
Learn to Row: Sculling Class Level 2
Designed for graduates of the Level 1 sculling class or for returning rowers who wish to hone their team boat skill before joining the regular club membership. Level 2 focuses on team boats (2x or 4x) and rowing with other people. This includes learning the calls and spending time in each seat to get comfortable with the requirements for each seat. We will learn how to row with a variety of people and rowing strokes which will better prepare us to join the Development group of the regular membership.
Graduates of the Learn to Row sculling classes are eligible to join the club and continue to build their skills in the supportive environment of our Development Group. You are also welcome to repeat Level 2 with approval from your coach.
All participants in Station L Learn to Row classes must become “Basic” members of the US Rowing Association ($25.00/year or 10.00/2 months) and complete a declaration of swimming ability. Instructions for purchasing the Basic USRowing membership and completing the swimming ability declaration can be found here.
We are working hard to get as many students on the water each summer as possible. Our waitlist is still lengthy so please be patient with us. We recommend that you consider doing our winter Learn to Erg class (or classes) until a spot opens up on the river. Learning the stroke basics on the rowing machine will be a huge benefit when you get to the water. For information on the Learn to Erg classes starting in November please add yourself to the wait list here.
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