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Portland Fall Classic member update

By 2016/10/24November 22nd, 2016No Comments

This Sunday we are proud to co-host (with Rose City Rowing Club) the 10th Portland Fall Classic.  All of the following announcements are related to the regatta:

•Station L participants need to pay a $25 regatta fee.  You can pay at the link, or give cash to Peter (really–we need some cash this weekend and he’s honest enough).

•Coach/cox meeting at 6:45am

•Saturday at 9am we will be prepping race packets, buoys, anchors and other race items.  Stick around for 30-60 minutes after the 7am row to help out if you can.

•Volunteer signup–we are still short a few spots.  Check the link

•Extra volunteers welcome on race day.  Stop by the volunteer tent to see if they need help

•Good spectating can be found all along the Eastbank Esplanade.  First races at 8:30am.  2nd flight at 10:45am.  Last flight at 1:30pm

•No coached sculling Sunday

•Weekday morning rowing ends this week, except Head of the Lake crews who meet next week for a couple of practices.